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Every day, the Committee for Hispanic Children & Families (CHCF) employs a skilled mental health team that works directly with parents and early educators to make sure the infants and toddlers of New York City are growing up in the healthiest social and emotional learning environment possible. For Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to highlight the work of one of these consultants: Our very own Isirakaida Alviarez!

Born in Venezuela, Isirakaida moved from her U.S. home in Florida to New York City in 2020 to take a job at CHCF. She sees her Latin identity as key to being able to relate to the community she works with daily.

“The Latin community, in general, is very hospitable, happy, and familiar,” Isirakaida says. “This opens a more personal and human communication channel that allows me to reach their hearts more easily.”

Isirakaida sees mental health in early childhood as an essential ingredient to achieving healthy social and emotional development, so that the next generation of New Yorkers will relate positively to the challenges ahead of them. Needless to say, she loves the work.

“It’s like a burst of energy that fills me with hope and faith,” Isirakaida says. “The ability to support and help children identify, recognize, validate, and express their feelings is a reward that I cherish deeply.”

If you, your family, or an early educator in your life needs access to mental health resources, give CHCF a call at (212) 206-1090.

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